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Nehemiah Church - Worship with us in Durham, NC

About Us

Nehemiah Church COGIC is a multicultural Christian community that consists of the African American Nehemiah Church COGIC and the Latino Nehemías Espíritu de Vida.  Together these two Pentecostal congregations comprise Nehemiah Church, under the leadership of Dr. Herbert Reynolds & Lady Psiyina Davis, located in Durham, NC.  


Nehemiah Church COGIC was founded in January 1996 (as Nehemiah Christian Center), under the leadership of Herbert R. Davis. Dr. Davis and his wife Psiyina moved to Durham from Michigan in 1994 so that Dr. Davis could attend seminary at Duke Divinity School where he graduated in May of 1997 with a Master of Divinity.  While at Duke Divinity School, Dr. Davis began to feel God tugging at his heart to stay in Durham and start a new ministry that would intentionally blend Pentecostalism, Social Justice and Social Activism. Through much prayer, fasting and godly counsel Nehemiah Christian Center (now Nehemiah Church COGIC) was birthed. This was the start of the fulfillment of the vision God had given to him in 1990 for a progressive, New Testament church geared towards holistic ministry that impacted lives both inside and outside of the four walls of the building.

Our Mission

Nehemiah Church COGIC is a church on the move for God with a vision.  Aware of what God has called us to do, we are committed to carrying out holistic ministry. As a church, we believe that the hand of God is upon us. Our goals are... To Lift up Jesus: "And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me.” (John 12:32) We want to lift up Jesus through exemplary actions and lifestyles.


To rebuild the brokenness in our lives and communities: "Ye see the distress we are in...come, and let us build up the wall of Jerusalem, that we be no more reproached...therefore we his servants will arise and build.” (Nehemiah 2:17, 20) As a church we have the responsibility of evangelizing the world with the gospel, as well as faithfully trying to improve the ills of our day.


Our Vision

To edify the believer: "And he gave some apostles and some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers; for the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ.” (Ephesians 4:11-12) 


Our ministry focuses on producing the best Christian servants that we possibly can. Each member will be challenged to grow spiritually and assisted therein.  Nehemiah Church COGIC is committed to Rebuilding Broken Lives through Our Witness, Our Worship and the Word of God.  The members of Nehemiah are encouraged to SEE: Serve, Equip and Engage.  Our members Serve in the community.  They are Equipped to make an impact wherever there find themselves.  Our members Engage the culture in transformative ways.  

Welcome to

Nehemiah Church COGIC

Please take time to peruse our website to learn more about our wonderful fellowship. Feel free to join us during any of our times of worship as we strive to make maximum kingdom impact while “Rebuilding Broken Lives through our Witness, our Worship and the Word of God.”

Nehemiah Church - Worship with us in Durham, NC
Nehemiah Church - Worship with us in Durham, NC

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Phone: (919) 688-4203

514 North Mangum Street, Durham, NC, USA

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Nehemiah Church - Worship with us in Durham, NC
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